Michael Manufandu: Cultural Isolation and Ignorance Utilized as Propaganda by Papuan Separatists

As one of the indigenous Papuans who has successfully taken part in the country's politics and education, Ambassador Michael Manufandu shared his experiences and views on the region that are often considered backward by the general public of Indonesia.

"People see Papua as a mysterious and full of uncertainty ... It is precisely the problem, the causes and the ways to overcome them," he explained.

Geographically, the territory of Papua is vast but full of valleys, mountains and slopes so that one village with another is far apart. This forms cultural isolation which then becomes one of the main factors that hinders the progress of the community.

"I speak as a rational and constructive person," continued Ambassador Michael, "Papua is around 3.5 times the island of Java. The existence of ignorance, cultural isolation and backwardness is then used by OPM and separatists. "

He considered that the special autonomy law for Papua launched by President Abudrrahman Wahid succeeded in making major changes even though it did not require a short time. The government policy provides policies that basically want to protect the safety, welfare of citizens while preserving Papuan culture.

In addition, the special autonomy law also provides freedom in regional leadership so that people can be separated from alienation and can start participating in various political, social activities and so on. In the end, Papuan independence is the goal to be achieved from the existence of the Act.

"Since the Special Autonomy Law was established, the leadership structure has been made to be more precise, fast and close to the people, so there were 3,335 villages created," Ambassador Michael said.

Almost all officials assigned are also Papuans themselves so they can better understand the people's most important needs and how to accommodate them.

Ambassador Michael Manufandu has long contributed to Papua so that his views are highly valued by various walks of life. Born in Biak on November 9, 68 years ago, Ambassador Michael completed his Masters and S3 degrees at the University of Indonesia. After graduating, he worked his political career as sub-district head and then Mayor of Jayapura from 1988 to 1993.

In the world of education, Ambassador Michael also worked as a lecturer at the University of Cendrawasih before finally returning to work as director of marine law structuring and expert staff of the minister. His last assignment was as Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Colombia in 2008 to 2011.

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