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Jayapura-Sarmi access is closed |
The COVID-19 Task Force Team with the Sarmi District Leadership Communication Forum agreed to close the border access road with Jayapura Regency to break the spread of the Corona virus in the region.
"I and the Chief of Police came here intentionally to see developments in the Front Cluster of the Sarmi District Covid-19 task force, why did we close the Jayapura-Sarmi access road intentionally to limit the range of movement and limit the movement of the people heading for Jayapura and Sarmi. "This policy is a joint policy of Forkopimda Sarmi," said Dandim.
Lt. Col. Jerry said Forkopimda had made a joint decision for vehicles that could pass only vehicles that transported fuel, basic food and ambulances.
"Starting today until June 4, 2020, the road will open in the morning and close at 16:00 CEST. Health workers will check all people who cross or leave the Sarmi Regency," he said.
In carrying out this noble task, he continued, the Covid-19 task force team was the frontline for the community in Sarmi District. The commander invited Covid-19 Task Force officers to always maintain the cohesiveness of fellow officers, coordinate with each other, and must work together to fight together to fight the Corona virus.
"The TNI-Polri and ASN both in the Covid-19 task force or wherever on duty must be compact and there should not be the slightest friction, we must unite to terminate the spread of the Corona virus," he hoped.
Meanwhile, Sarmi Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Hapry Lanudjun said the policies taken by the provincial and regional governments of Sarmi were joint policies and decisions.
"I hope all citizens to support the policy of the central government in deciding the spread of the Covid-19 virus, especially in the Sarmi Regency," he said
The chief of police asked the Covid-19 Task Force team to always be vigilant because it was highly likely that people returning from Jayapura-Sarmi could transmit the Corona virus.
"Therefore we will limit and check the flow of traffic in and out of Sarmi Regency, convey this information to our brothers and sisters," he said.
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