Papua Regional Police Need More Police Personnel

Papua Regional Police Need More Police Personnel

The lack of Polri personnel in the ranks of the Papua Regional Police makes several cases require the assistance of personnel from other regional police. Papua Police Chief Inspector General Paul Waterpauw, asked his staff to plan for the admission of sufficient police personnel in Papua by recruiting the best sons of Papua.

"Like what happened last August, we have to bring in Nusantara aid personnel. If our personnel are sufficient here, we don't need help from other regional police," Paulus Waterpauw said at the Papua Regional Police Headquarters on Saturday (12/28/2019).

He complained that the number of Papuan Regional Police personnel and their ranks in 2019 was only 11,984. With an area of ​​317,062 km2 and a population of 2,612,854 people, Paulus said the Papua Regional Police need more personnel, around 11 thousand more personnel he said.

"I ask to meet 11,085 personnel so that good planning is made for next year," said Paulus.

In addition to increasing the number of members, the former North Sumatra Police Chief wants his staff to increase the capacity of personnel by conducting General Development Education (Dikbangum), Specialist Development Education (Dikbangspes), functional training as well as education and training exercises with IOM (Lugri Education and Training).

In the final reflection report of the Papua Regional Police 2019, Paulus said the prominent crime in Papua during 2019 was the security threat from the Armed Criminal Group (KKB). During 2019, as many as 23 cases of KKB crime occurred, occurred in Puncak Jaya Regional Police, Jayawijaya Regional Police, Mimika Regional Police, and Paniai Regional Police.

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