Don't Fool the Papuan People with the Issue of Separatism

Don't Fool the Papuan People with the Issue of Separatism

Separatism is an understanding that takes advantage of the division in a group (nation). Furthermore, the idea of ​​separatism movement triggers the disintegration of the nation.
The separatist movement in Papua seems to be fooling the Papuan people who basically have no desire to separate themselves and remain united with the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
Discriminatory issues against the Papuan people who are trying to be built by separatist groups seem to be broken by various government priority programs carried out on earth of paradise ranging from Special Autonomy to development priorities.
At present the Papua Separatist Group is starting to use propaganda and provocation efforts that utilize the SARA issue. One of them was carried out by the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) organization, led by Benny Wenda. They fooled the people of Papua by spreading propaganda issues about the contradictions in the condition of Papua online media.
For this reason, DPR Commission I Member Yan Permenas Mandenas in Jayapura on Wednesday said the community was expected to continue to carry out activities as usual.
Members of the House of Representatives Commission I in the field of defense, foreign affairs, communication and information and intelligence urged the Papuan people not to be provoked by irresponsible issues by 1 December 2019.
"Because December 1 falls on Sunday which is a day of worship so people must go to worship to prepare themselves on the first date of December to enter preparations for the celebration of Christmas and New Year so that there are no more actions," he said.
He added that the people were asked not to worry about the number of security forces in Papua because these troops were only to secure vital objects and this was something that was natural. *

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