The Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency (ATR/BPN) supports equitable development in Papua Province in accordance with the local wisdom of the local community.
"That's why in Papua, if it is built, there must be 3 pillars, namely religion, customs, and the state. If these three are not balanced, it will not work," said Special Staff to the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN for Customary Law M Adli Abdullah in a written statement received in Banda Aceh, Thursday.
According to him, the Ministry of ATR/BPN is very concerned with solving problems that exist in Papua, in particular how the recognition of indigenous peoples' land rights has an impact on development in Papua.
Therefore, the Papua Province development plan must be based on local wisdom. The Ministry of ATR/BPN is committed to making a Papuan development plan that also ensures the welfare of the Papuan people.
M Adli Abdullah said he was assigned by the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN to find the best format for Papua.
"So if the investment goes on, the indigenous people will not be marginalized. Papua is the future," said M Adli Abdullah.
To oversee development in Papua, the government has issued a Special Autonomy Law and the latest is Presidential Instruction (Inpres) No. 9 of 2020 concerning the Acceleration of Welfare Development in Papua Province and West Papua Province.
Based on these rules, if there is a plan to invest in customary land, the business actor must cooperate with the indigenous community.
However, before going to that step, it is necessary to create a management right (HPL) first. It is at this stage that the task of the regional government is to recognize the existence of indigenous peoples, he said.
“In Papua there are about 250 indigenous peoples. All indigenous peoples must be recognized. The local government must also be proactive with all elements of the community," said M Adli Abdullah.
Harmony between the development plan, the fulfillment of the rights of indigenous peoples, and the commitment of the Indonesian government is something that needs to be emphasized in establishing the basis for Papua's development.
“Global but local. Let's build bridges, don't build walls. Investors may enter, but on condition that the rights of indigenous peoples cannot be lost," concluded M Adli Abdullah.
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