The contribution of YPK 60 years in serving the education of Papuan children

The presence of 60 years of service by the Christian Education Foundation (YPK) in Papua has contributed significantly to the creation of human resources for indigenous Papuan children (OAP) through basic education services to remote villages.

The existence of YPK manages 862 kindergarten to high school / vocational education units with a total of 84,854 students aims to educate the nation's life in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution and organize the culture of indigenous Papuans.

The mission of evangelism and education in Papua is a unit that cannot be separated as the task of educating children in Papua.

At the beginning of the Gospel preaching in Papua on 5 February 1855 on Mansinam Island, Manokwari, West Papua Province, it was also placed in an educational setting.

And on March 8, 1962, the GKI formally in Papua developed education as a mission of the Evangelization of the Gospel with the establishment of the Christian Education Foundation.

In accordance with the view of the YPK church in Tanah Papua, it is here to free people from being left behind.

Until now, the existence of YPK will continue to work on the coast and remote villages in the mountainous valleys of Papua to develop and educate the children of indigenous Papuans.

The presence of the Christian Education Foundation to date, in the midst of increasingly competitive competition, is also called to continue to take part in the world of education in order to provide positive values as part of a nation's progress.
"In the past, YPK was increasingly being challenged and until now it is still standing and conducting existing education at the age of 60. I hope that in the midst of increasingly global challenges, YPK must continue to organize education towards a better and quality direction, especially in the Land of Papua. ," said YPK Papua Expert Staff Max Karo.

According to Max, YPK is one of the oldest educational foundations in the Land of Papua and is the government's working partner who continuously gives birth to the nation's next generation.

At the age of 60 years, YPK Papua is expected to be able to meet future educational goals to become a strong, accountable foundation with an effective and efficient organizational management system.

According to Max Karo, the YPK institution is a foundation that has organized education in Papua since the mission of the Evangelization began because it laid the foundation for the development of Papuan human resources.

YPK has an important role in the civilization of OAP life. Because the missionaries present in Papua are not only teaching, educating and guiding the OAP as well as forming the mental character of the OAP.

"YPK has produced many generations of Papuan children who are smart and have character," he said.

YPK service evaluation

The chairman of the General Working Committee of the GKI Synod in Papua, Pastor Andrikus Mofu hoped that the 60th anniversary of YPK would be a means of evaluating the education program services that YPK provides to children in Papua.

As a YPK institution, according to Pastor Andrikus, it should carry out evaluations and various program activities that have been implemented or not.

Because then, he continued, in the future all work programs that have been planned can be carried out properly.

"If it is found from the evaluation results that there are YPK schools that do not function to serve children's education, then the school in question could be closed because it does not support it," he said.

He encouraged children's education at YPK to be of better quality in the future, especially Christian schools managed by the foundation.

"So children in YPK are taught to pray from going to school to returning home, so it is instilled since they are in school," he said again.

This warning, he continued, is a process towards a change to increase faith and trust in God in order to create an increasingly peaceful and prosperous life towards eternal and eternal salvation.

Biak Regency Government Support

The Regent of Biak Numfor Herry Ario Naap emphasized that for 60 years YK's service in Papua has made a real contribution in the field of human resources.

With education services that YPK continues to provide, according to Regent Herry Naap, the Biak Numfor Regency Government is very supportive and helps the development of schools at various levels of education for Papuan children.

"The Biak Numfor Regency Government will fully support the YPK program in an effort to improve the education of indigenous Papuans," he said.

Regent Herry Naap, YPK as an educational organization is also a partner of the local government in educating indigenous Papuan children in Biak Numfor Regency.

According to Regent Herry Naap, there is a challenge to develop the YPK organization, requiring an organizational leader who is willing to work in serving the education of the children of indigenous Papuans.

According to Regent Herry Naap, YPK-managed educational institutions in Tanah Papua hold a lot of hope for the future of indigenous Papuan children.

"So the Biak Numfor regency government continues to make YPK a partner of the regional government to build religious, character and intelligent OAP human resources," he said.

The existence of YPK services in the Land of Papua continues even though it is a challenging and winding journey, but the sacred mission of the YPK institution is to provide a spirit for service to Papuans.

SOURCE : Pendidikan-anak-papua

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