BPJS Health-BNI Papua cooperates on payment of contributions

BPJS Health Deputy for Papua and West Papua with PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. The 16 local Regional Offices cooperate in payment of JKN-KIS contributions through BNI Agen 46.

Deputy Directors for the Regions of Papua and West Papua BPJS Kesehatan Budi Setiawan in a press release in Jayapura, Friday, said that his party appreciated PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. 16 Papua and West Papua Regional Offices that have committed to support the JKN-KIS Program, one of which is the BNI 46 Agent which offers JKN-KIS fee payment transactions to each participant.

"The JKN-KIS program is a multi-stakeholder national strategic program, meaning that it is a joint program because it has very complex tasks," he said.

According to Budi, this program cannot run smoothly, if there is no support from relevant stakeholders including PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Regional Office 16 Papua and West Papua.

Meanwhile, the leader of PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Regional Office 16 Papua and West Papua Ariyanto Soewondo Geni said his party thanked and appreciated BPJS Health, the Deputy for Papua and West Papua Region, who had been willing to take the initial steps outlined in the Cooperation Agreement.

"BNI 16 is proud to have received the trust of BPJS Kesehatan, the Deputy for Papua and West Papua Regions in this collaboration to realize mutual expectations, where this signing is the gateway to building friendships," he said.

He explained that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the community's space for movement was limited, so BNI was here to provide services that could be reached by the community, one of which was through BNI 46 Agents, which now have 2,717 agents spread across the Papua region and 1,120 agents in West Papua.

"This can make it easier for the community in terms of banking, one of which is the payment of JKN-KIS contributions," he said.

For your information, the scope of cooperation contained in the Cooperation Agreement is to jointly carry out activities in order to increase JKN-KIS contribution payment transactions for the Non-Wage Recipient Workers (PBPU) participant segment through BNI 46 agents.

Every quarter PT. Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Regional Office 16 Papua and West Papua will submit a recapitulation of the achievement of the JKN-KIS contribution payment transaction to the BPJS Kesehatan Regional Deputy for Papua and West Papua as a basis for awarding rewards to BNI 46 agents with a specified nominal receipt and as material for joint monitoring and evaluation of activity and effectiveness of cooperation.

Currently, the number of JKN-KIS participants as of February 2022 in Papua Province is 4,264,127 people (98.96 percent of the total population) and West Papua as many as 1,137,260 people (99 percent of the total population).

Of these, there were 116,126 participants in arrears in Papua with a total contribution of Rp. 125,457,831,724 and in West Papua as many as 63,746 people with a total contribution of Rp. 59,869,301,211.

SOURCE : https://papua.antaranews.com/berita/676389/bpjs-kesehatan-bni-papua-kerja-sama-terkait-payan-iuran

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