The Special Autonomy Law Supports More Advanced Papua Development

Law Number 2/2021 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 21/2001 concerning Special Autonomy for Papua Province (UU Otsus Papua) is a very appropriate policy.

According to the Expert Staff of the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs, Sonny West Manalu, the implementation of development in Papua still seems slow when compared to other provinces in Indonesia. Therefore, the issuance of Law No. 2/2021 is a very appropriate state policy. Because with the Special Autonomy Law, the acceleration of the implementation of development in various sectors in Papua can be one step or two steps ahead when compared to the implementation of development before the Special Autonomy Law was implemented.

"What Mr. President Joko Widodo did during his administration period to boost the implementation of infrastructure development in Papua, build the Trans Papua road, build sea and air ports is an extraordinary breakthrough. Which illustrates that our President is a statesman who really wants all regions of Indonesia from Sabang to Merauke live in prosperity, both socially and economically," he explained in a national seminar themed "Otsus Papua, Equal Distribution of Facilities and Improving Social Life of the Papuan People" Friday (25/2/2022).
He said the issuance of the Papua Special Autonomy Law was the embodiment of justice, the implementation of the rule of law and the fulfillment of human rights as well as the acceleration of development implementation, at least in three main sectors, namely infrastructure, education and health.

"With these three sectors, we hope that the Papuan people, mothers, newborns and children who go to school can easily enjoy good education and health facilities. So that later Papuan human resources can catch up with the human resources of other regions. in Indonesia," explained Sonny.
According to the chairman of the DPP Pancasila Students (Mapancas) for the 1992-1999 period, with good human resources, Papuan children who are currently in education will continue development in Papua and West Papua.

"So that later Papuan human resources can live in social and economic prosperity, on a par with people in other provinces in Indonesia," said Sonny.

On the same occasion, the Executive Director of BIDASEP, Bambang W Ganindra, also welcomed the regulation on Otsus Papua and West Papua with the issuance of Law Number 2/2021.

According to him, this is a commitment and partisanship of the central government to accelerate development and create the welfare of the Papuan people.

"I hope that the Papuan people, especially in rural areas, in the mountains and on the coast, will get optimal benefits from the implementation of this special autonomy," said Bambang, who is also an expert in the DPR RI.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Chair of the Pesawaran Regency DPRD, Zulkarnain, added that his party supports and gives appreciation for what the central government has done to Papua and West Papua by granting special autonomy.

"I really appreciate and support its implementation in Papua," he said.

Zulkarnain explained that the granting of special autonomy gave the people of Papua and West Papua the freedom to determine the direction of development policies, especially economic development as a whole.

"The land of Papua and West Papua can plan for infrastructure and economic development, so that the prosperous life of the people of Papua and West Papua will be realized as previously aspired," he said.

He said, in general, special autonomy aims to create an advanced, prosperous, peaceful and dignified Papuan and West Papuan society. Where, the people of Papua and West Papua can determine the direction of their own development, improve their standard of living, realize justice in terms of equity and accelerate development, and encourage good governance.

"We all hope that the granting of special autonomy can lead to prosperity, especially from an economic perspective for the people of Papua and West Papua. So that true prosperity will be realized on Earth of Cenderawasih," said Zulkarnain.


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