Various Typical Ornaments Begin to Be Seen at Jayapura Sentani Airport

Less than 62 days until the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON) will be held.

It is known that the XX Papua PON is planned to be held on October 2-15, 2021.

In order to enliven the celebration of this national sport, Sentani Airport in Jayapura Regency carried out improvements and added ornaments typical of XX Papua PON.

From observations made by, Sunday (1/8/2021), the busiest airport in Papua, has been equipped with 2 videotrons showing the natural beauty of Papua, as well as Papua's readiness as the home of the PON.

Through a cellular telephone connection to, Sentani Airport's Stakeholders Relations Manager, Surya Eka, explained the addition of the unique ornaments for the XX Papua PON, in order to echo the spirit of the success of the five-year sporting event.

"We just installed PON booths on the 2nd floor and PON mascots, Kangpho and Drawa displays," he explained.

According to Surya, the enthusiasm of the people who want to know information on the development of the Papua PON, starting from the progress of the venue and the readiness of athletes, is quite high.

"People or airplane passengers who are about to depart can take pictures at the existing booth and take selfies with the kangpho and drawa mascots," he explained.

Then the floor at the airport is also linked with the tagline with the words "Torang Bisa" as the motto of PON XX Papua, and several entrances or arrivals, both the main lobby and exit doors, also have PON banners installed.

In addition to the PON booth and the PON mascot, at the airport waiting terminal there is also a Papua tourism information banner, ranging from Lake Sentani, Habema, Kwatisore Bay to several beaches in Biak Regency.

With the presence of a banner that informs tourist spots in Papua Province, the Sentani Airport authority and the Papua Provincial Government, hope to attract tourist visits to Bumi Cenderawasih during the PON event.


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