General Secretary of MUI Kab. Raja Ampat, Ustad Alqaf said that the active positive cases of Covid-19 in Indonesia are increasing every day, so the District Government. Raja Ampat must quickly vaccinate so that Covid-19 cases in Kab. Raja Ampat is not getting more and more like in other regions.

He said that the MUI Kab. Raja Ampat as a partner of the Government fully supports the Government's program to carry out National Vaccinations in order to suppress the rate of spread of the Covid-19 virus in light of this end.

The central government is currently trying to protect the public from the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak through the free vaccination program. The public is encouraged to support and participate in vaccines because it is our duty as citizens to assist the government in breaking the chain of the spread of Covid-19.

He also appealed to the entire community, especially those in the district. Raja Ampat to reduce activities outside the home, especially activities that are not too important in order to protect the health of oneself, family and others around them and do not forget to always comply with Prokes such as wearing masks and maintaining distance when in public places.


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