The Special Autonomy Law for the Welfare of Indigenous Papuans

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) some time ago officially signed Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning Special Autonomy (Otsus) for Papua which had previously been approved in the plenary session of the DPR. It is stated that the Otsus funds will now be maximized for welfare in Papua.

The same thing was conveyed by the Director of Information and Political Communication, Law and Security of Kominfo, Bambang Gunawan in the 5th series of Smart Democracy webinar forum themed UU Otsus Papua For (SI) What? on Friday (6/8/21), stated that President Jokowi wanted breakthrough steps, integrated, precise, focused and synergized between ministries/agencies and local governments.

"This is solely to realize the people of the Papua Province and West Papua Province who are advanced, prosperous, peaceful and dignified as part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, in this case the President's development approach requires the use of social, cultural, regional, customary and ecological perspectives in the framework of sustainable development," said Bambang in his speech.

"In addition, development efforts are focused on Papuan Indigenous People (OAP)," he continued.

Then he said that Law number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for the Papua Province was a manifestation of state recognition of Papua's decision at the legal age of entering its 20th year.

Pls. The Director of the Directorate of Regional Arrangement, Special Autonomy and the Regional Autonomy Advisory Council, Valentinus Sudarjanto Sumito, explained the explanation of Law No. 2 of 2021 concerning Papua's Special Autonomy which, according to him, is a manifestation of the government's commitment to the welfare of the Papuan people.

"That in order to reduce the gap between Papua Province and other provinces, and improve the standard of living of the people in Papua Province, as well as provide opportunities for indigenous Papuans, it is necessary to have a special policy within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," said Valentinus.

It was also explained that the purpose of the Special Autonomy for Papua was to provide affirmation/partisanship of protection for Indigenous Papuans.

"First, improving the standard of living of the OAP community. Second, realizing justice in terms of equity and accelerating development. Third, respecting the basic rights of OAP. And, fourth, to encourage the implementation of good governance," he explained.

Then it was said that with the existence of autonomous rights to the regions, Papuans have the right to determine the direction of their regional development, so that the development of Papua can be in accordance with the aspirations and desires of the Papuan people.

"Support among fellow citizens in guarding efforts to accelerate development and prosperity for our brothers and sisters in Papua and West Papua, may God be with and bless our good steps," he concluded.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chair of the Papua Desk/Head of Center for Policy and Performance Analysis, Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Velix Wanggai, said that currently the government with the revision of the law is heading to a new direction in managing Papua with Otsus.

"The point about the revision of Otsus is the great spirit of Mr. President Joko Widodo last year how to see Papua in the future, in the introduction to the Cabinet Session, he conveyed 3 points and I think this can be a philosophy that can later become a guideline, direction for inter-ministerial governments and members of the special committee against making changes in Papua," he said.

The three points mentioned are, first, a thorough evaluation of the governance and effectiveness of the distribution of Otsus funds.

Second, the need for a new spirit, a new paradigm, a new way of working. We must build all new systems and designs, more effective ways of working in order to be able to produce a leap in prosperity for the people of Papua and West Papua.

Then third, the policy of Special Autonomy for Papua and West Papua is consulted with all components of society in Papua and West Papua, which will make Papua and West Papua more advanced.

"This is a new nuance that we have to do, there must be a leap with a specific context, there must be a breakthrough and not just a mediocre implementation," said Velix.

"From the perspective of Bappenas, this 20-year long journey is about Papua. We from the center will have a dialogue with Papuan and West Papuan government officials about the master plan. Hopefully, with the joint platform, this master plan can be a common platform until 2021," he concluded.


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