The Mayor of BTM Inaugurates KM Tidar as a Floating Isolation for Covid-19 Patients

Mayor of Jayapura DR. Benhur Tomi Mano, MM inaugurated the use of KM Tidar as a floating isolation site (Isoter) for Covid-19 patients in Jayapura City, Saturday (21/8/2021) evening.

Mayor Tomi Mano, who is familiarly called BTM, said that KM Tidar would provide comfort in health services to Covid-19 patients in the city of Jayapura with mild or asymptomatic symptoms.

"I believe and believe that Covid-19 patients in the city of Jayapura will recover quickly, if they undergo isoter at KM Tidar, because the concept here will increase the patient's immunity, we try to provide services such as recreation so that it increases their immunity," explained BTM.

Before receiving KM Tidar assistance as an Isoter place for Covid-19 patients, the Jayapura City Government had used the Sahid Hotel, Entrop and LPMP Kotaraja.

At that time, the patient's recovery rate was quite high. However, this achievement is not obtained for free.

He then appreciated the central government, which had provided KM Tidar assistance for isoters.

To medical personnel, BTM advised that they could cooperate with Covid-19 patients, treating them like family.

“Spiritual guidance must continue, every morning they have to do sports here. This is to speed up recovery," he explained.

The Mayor of BTM explained, on August 21, 2021, only 128 patients were being treated at seven hospitals in the city. The cure rate also continues to increase.

The Mayor of BTM also said that KM Tidar himself would operate as an Isoter for Covid-9 patients, until the Papua PON event was over.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Jayapura City Health Office, dr. Ni Nyoman Sri Antari said, KM Tidar answered the isoter problem of Covid-19 patients in the Jayapura city area.

He reported that there will be 27 Covid-19 patients from LPMP who will be transferred to KM Tidar.

“We will also add patients self-isolating in their homes.

We treat 2,000 patients and for the first stage at KM Tidar 150 patients will be treated,” explained dr. Ni Nyoman.

He also hopes that Isoter at KM Tidar can increase patient comfort.

He explained that the Jayapura City Health Service Team, which is in charge of treating Covid-19 patients at KM Tidar, is one pulmonary specialist, one pediatrician, three general practitioners, six medical personnel, three analysts, three infection prevention controllers, three administrators, three pharmacist and a nutritionist.

Health services at KM Tidar will also be the same as services at Isoter's previous place, including daily doctor checks, PCR examinations and also sunbathing.

Other services include joint gymnastics, worship for Christians and tausiah for Muslims.


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