Pancasila and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia are non-negotiable and Papua is an integral part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia

Hendrik Yance Udam, General Chairperson of the National Leadership Council of the People's Movement for the Love of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (DPN GERCIN) assessed that the turmoil in Papua was due to the fact that special autonomy had not been implemented optimally. This creates a sense of dissatisfaction and distrust of the central government.

Addressing the issue of Papua is very complex and cannot be piecemeal, it will have to be viewed comprehensively from a national and international perspective. Currently the implementation of special autonomy in Papua has not run optimally and perfectly.

According to him, currently, the Papua issue is still ongoing, where special autonomy, which is the government's decision, has only been implemented for one point. The only thing that is running is the formation of the Papuan People's Council (MRP).

The MRP is an institution in the province of Papua, Indonesia consisting of indigenous Papuans who are on par with the DPRD. In the material of Law Number 21 of 2001 concerning Special Autonomy for the Papua Province, Chapter V, Forms and Structure of Government, it is explicitly stated that the main pillars in the administration of the Papua Province government consist of three components.

The three components are the Papuan People's Representative Council (DPRP/DPRD), the Regional Government (the governor and his apparatus), and the MRP. The implementation of this special autonomy, which cannot run optimally, should be able to run according to the Special Autonomy Law for the Papua Province.

He said, the DPRP is the legislative body, the provincial government is the executive, and the MRP is the cultural representative body of the indigenous Papuans. As a legislative body, the DPRP has the authority to carry out legislative functions, which include legislation, budgeting and supervision. The provincial government as the executive is authorized to carry out the function of service and community empowerment as well as implementing development programs.

The MRP has been established by the central government, but the main tasks and functions cannot be carried out," said Hendrik Yance.

Hendrik Yance assessed that Pancasila as an ideology was final as a guide in the life of the Indonesian nation and state. He continued, Pancasila and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia are non-negotiable and Papua is an integral part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

GERCIN is here to strengthen the political position of the Republic of Indonesia that Pancasila is final as the nation's ideology. The struggle process is not only the task of the government but also all elements of society, including the leading GERCIN in guarding the Republic of Indonesia.

Regarding the events experienced by the Papuan people in Surabaya, Hendrik stated, Indonesia's condition will be very complicated, because it will be faced with various interests. Papua is indeed in conflict, but I come from Papua as a child of the nation stating that it is final that Papua is part of this country.

The situation in Papua is conducive, the Papua incident is an individual but the point is I am Papuan, I am black and I am Indonesian. I hope that this person will be prosecuted legally, so that the wounds of the Papuan people can be treated.

GERCIN expresses its appreciation for President Joko Widodo who has moved quickly in tackling various riots, especially the Police who have been directly involved in reducing conflicts and issues of racism that have occurred recently in Papua.

We strongly condemn the anarchist movements that damage the state government facilities that exist there. We also really appreciate and appreciate the attention from President Joko Widodo who has built a better Papua.


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