PON XX Papua Increases Brotherhood and National Unity

Papua Province has been designated as the host of the XX Sports Week (PON). In addition to creating pride for the Papuan people, PON is believed to be able to increase the spirit of brotherhood and national unity.

When Papua was designated as the host of the XX National Sports Week (PON) eight years ago, there was hope that PON could be a momentum to spur the development of sports infrastructure and the Papuan economy.

This determination also marks the first time that PON will be held in the easternmost province of Indonesia after South Sulawesi, which hosted it in 1957. For Papua, PON is considered to be the right moment to accelerate development in Papua because there will be the construction of a number of infrastructure and sports facilities which so far have focused more on the island of Java.

PON Papua 2021 will be held in four regions, namely Jayapura City, Jayapura Regency, Merauke Regency and Mimika Regency by competing in 37 sports, 56 sports disciplines and 679 match numbers.

The multievent will also be attended by around 6500 athletes from all provinces in Indonesia. Their presence will certainly encourage the economy of the surrounding community, ranging from handicrafts, plantations to tourism.

In addition, several arenas have been completed, including the Papua Bangkit Stadium, an aquatic arena, a hockey field, cricket, archery and a number of sports halls in Jayapura and Mimika districts.

The presence of these arenas, such as Istora and an aquatic arena that has international standards, is expected to become a venue for sports activities, both national and international, that can bring participants and spectators from outside the region and even abroad.

With the championship event, surely it will also trigger the Papuan economy through the SME and tourism sectors.

The event turned out to be Governor Lukas Enembe enthusiastically welcoming the PON plan in the region. The reason is, it is not only a sporting event and a momentum for Papua's development, but also a strategic tool to build Papua's image in the national eye. Previously, Luke had said that PON was a symbol of brotherhood. Papua is part of Indonesia, this event also becomes the image of Papua in the national eye that our area is rich with cultural and tourism potential that can be enjoyed.

A similar hope was conveyed by a Papuan, Echa Dogopia.

He welcomed the PON event in Papua because it could help the development of sports infrastructure in Papua. Echa said that having a PON in Papua would certainly be very helpful in infrastructure development, such as roads, stadiums, then there will also be an Athlete's House for athletes who will participate in PON.

He also said that not many people know that Papua has the potential. Therefore, the PON event in Papua is a very important event for the promotion of the Earth of Cenderawasih nationally and internationally.

Behind these expectations, Echa also underlined one thing that is more important, namely the commitment of the government and the community in maintaining the assets and infrastructure that have been built at a cost of up to billions of rupiah.

With the exposure of Papua through the PON event, of course the public will be more aware of Papua's capabilities, including its natural resources and tourism. But of course it is necessary to educate the public, because we all know that the government has poured large funds to build infrastructure.

PON XX Papua was also in doubt amid various current conditions, ranging from security issues to health, considering that it would take place in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the Grand Committee or PB PON Papua has guaranteed that Papua is very safe to hold the four-yearly national sports party so that they invite anyone not to hesitate to come and make PON Papua a success. This is because the success of the Papua PON is not only related to the pride of Papua, but also the entire Indonesian nation.

The PON event in Papua is certainly an achievement that should be appreciated, this event will of course be followed by all provinces in Indonesia, so that it will be felt that diversity in Indonesia will be integrated with the implementation of PON.

SOURCE: https://www.klikwarta.com/pon-xx-papua-ingkatkan-perudaraan-dan-persatuan-bangsa

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