The people of Sawanawa Village do not ask for independence, but Otsus must continue

Otsus is a special authority recognized and granted to the Province
Papua to manage and manage the interests of the community and according to their own initiatives based on the aspirations and basic rights of the Papuan people.
Many benefits are provided by the government through Otsus to the Papuan people, namely improving education, health, and development growth for the benefit of the Papuan people.

In line with this, there are many figures in Papua who support if Special Autonomy is continued, because the benefits have been felt by the community, from those in the city to remote villages.

As felt by the people of Sawanawa Village, Arso District, Keerom Regency.

Through the Sawanawa chief, Donatus Wake, who claims that the people in his village have benefited from the existence of Otsus.

"The people of Sawanawa Village really feel the benefits of Special Autonomy, so we ask to continue," he asked.

"We are aware that Papua is vast, so for equitable development, the Government must also have its own difficulties, but the construction of the road in Sawanawa Village is already a manifestation of the implementation of Special Autonomy," he continued.

Donatus emphasized that the people in his village do not need independence, but the special autonomy that must continue.

"We don't need independence, what we need is further Special Autonomy for the welfare of the Papuan people," he said.

Donatus admits that many Papuan people are scapegoating Special Autonomy and consider it a shackles for the Papuan people, when in fact with the existence of Special Autonomy Papua is now progressing and continuing to develop.

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