BIN spokesman Affirms Terrorist Labeling Only for Terrorists in Papua

Spokesperson for the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) Wawan Purwanto emphasized that the labeling of terrorists to the armed criminal group (KKB) is only for perpetrators of terror and violence in Papua. This labeling is not intended for all Papuans.

"The labeling is not meant to beat all Papuans flat, but only those who have committed acts of terror can take legal action to be brought to justice. Later the trial will become an open arena for public opinion whether it is appropriate or not. Still, the Papuan people are our brothers, whatever happens there, "said Wawan in a national discussion entitled" Polemic on the Labeling of KKB as Terrorists: Pros and Cons "which was held virtually, Friday (26/5/2021).

According to Wawan, the pros and cons of the terrorist labeling the KKB Papua are commonplace in a democratic country. But in principle, the government wants to develop Papua well and but loves Papua.

"However, if there are law violations, we will try to enforce the law. Especially with regard to movements that lead to terrorism. Especially those who attack civilians. Supposedly, civilians must be protected. If they attack the security forces, in my opinion it can be tolerated, ”said Wawan.

Actions carried out by KKB, such as attacking civilian interests, killing, rape, attacking motorcycle taxi drivers, killing road builders and teachers, and burning honai and schools have led to acts of terror.

"We do not deny these differences, but in principle we are trying to develop Papua optimally and humanize people. If there is a problem, we will continue to open a series of dialogues, until now we have, ”said Wawan.

He emphasized, in the midst of resistance from the KKB, infrastructure development in Papua is still running, even the plan to organize a National Sports Week (PON) in Papua is still ongoing. However, law enforcement will still be carried out.

The government continues to accelerate the development of Papua so that it is not far behind other provinces in Indonesia. Evidently, even though the customs that enter Papua reaches Rp. 12 trillion, the government has provided funds for development of Rp. 56 trillion.

Likewise in West Papua, the incoming customs duty is Rp. 5 trillion, but the government provides fresh funds of Rp. 19 trillion.

However, for the issue of terror, continued Wawan, the government will not remain silent. The labeling of terrorists was carried out because there was an action by an individual who had committed an act that had led to terror. So that anyone, regardless of ethnicity, religion or any group, if his movement has led to terror, said Wawan, then he will still be called a terrorist.

"We, the security apparatus, continue to carry out in-depth studies so that we are not mistaken in distinguishing and choosing which person is carrying out acts of terror and not. So we also want people to stay away from locations that have been used as their homebase places, "said Wawan.

Wawan said the government wanted the handling of the KKB in Papua to be completed quickly by prioritizing the restoration of security and humanity. The government does not want this problem to drag on for a long time, so that in the end it can make matters worse.

"As soon as possible. The goal is to minimize casualties. Because so far the figures have also been worrying, especially civilians who have fallen victim from time to time. Therefore, we do not want to go on without a solution, even if there is a debate, "said Wawan.


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