The Papuan Student Alliance Supports Special Autonomy Volume II and Remains Red and White

Secretary General of the Papuan Student Alliance (AMP), Rajid Patiran, assessed that the problems in Papua and West Papua need serious attention.

This was conveyed by Rajid in a press conference addressing the current situation in Papua and the persecution that had occurred against AMP members.

"Recent developments in Papua really need special attention for all of us. How can we work together with the government, TNI and Polri to carry out all work in the Papua region in a measured manner, in accordance with existing laws and regulations, "said Rajid.

Rajid also said that currently the government must be consistent in terms of development in Papua and West Papua. This, of course, must run in accordance with the Papua Special Autonomy Law. According to him, special autonomy is the best solution for Papua's development in the future.

"I think there is no other way, special autonomy is the best solution for Papua's development in the future," said Rajid, at Omah Cafe, Tangsel, Monday (08/02/2021).

Furthermore, Rajid urged the government and the DPR RI to immediately revise the Papua Special Autonomy Law which will end in 2021. The government is also asked to absorb the aspirations of the Papuan people properly.

"Of course friends from Papua and West Papua support the government to carry out the revision of the Law properly, so that the Law can be beneficial to both indigenous Papuans and all who live in Papua," he concluded.

Rajid also condemned all forms of persecution committed against him. He asked the police to immediately arrest the perpetrators.

"When differences of opinion are not inspired they choose to commit violence against me, and I ask the police to arrest the actor behind the person who persecuted me," he said.

The aims of the press conference are as follows;

1. We are an alliance of Papuan students. Supporting Special Autonomy volume II is continued for the future of Papuan education.
2. Inviting all people of Papua and West Papua to oversee the special autonomy funds volume II to be channeled properly so that it is felt by all the people of Papua.
3. Requesting the government to improve the regulation on the use of special autonomy funds volume II so that it is not misused for the benefit of groups or groups.
4. Even though one of us has been persecuted both physically and morally, our Papuan student alliance is still NKRI and supports the Special Autonomy Volume II to be continued.


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