Koni Ensures PON XX Papua Compete 37 Sports

The Deputy General Chairperson (Waketum) of the Central KONI, Suwarno, said that there were only 37 sports that would be competed in the XX National Sports Week (PON) in 2021 in Papua Province.

"Until now, we are still focused on 37 sports that will be competed in PON, especially now that there is still the Covid-19 pandemic," said Suwarno to the press on the sidelines of the Technical Verification Activities for the Implementation of Sports Matches and the Technical Handbook Preparation Activities for PON XX Papua. 2021 in Jayapura, Sunday, February 14, 2021.

According to him, PON XX Papua competed 37 sports with 56 disciplines, 679 numbers, and an athlete quota of approximately 6,442 people.

Suwarno ensured that various Provinces are currently having budget difficulties amid the Covid-19 pandemic, so there is no way for additional sports in the XX Papua PON.

"If there is additional sports, it will be difficult for KONI in each province to send athletes, so that we focus on 37 sports, especially since Indonesia's sports agenda this year is so busy," he said.

Previously, news circulated in the media that eSports would be competed in the XX Papua PON. However, the Secretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Gatot S. Dewa Broto, in his statement confirmed that electronic game sports (esports) were not competed in the XX Papua PON 2021.

"Not only esports, nine other exhibition sports are also canceled at PON XX Papua 2021," said Gatot in a virtual conference on the opening of Free Fire Master League Season III, Friday (15/1/2021).

"Regarding PON, only 37 sports were contested," added Gatot.

Source: https://www.pasificpos.com/koni-pastian-pon-xx-papua-pertangkap-37-cabor/

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