The importance of the expansion of Papua and West Papua regions


President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) himself opened the door to the expansion of Papua, namely the proposed expansion, Central Papua, Central Highlands Papua, South Papua, where the proposal of the Head of State was also responded positively by Commission II of the DPR RI. President Jokowi stated that the division of the Papua Province region still needs an in-depth study and that his aspirations have been accepted by Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian. Jokowi did not close the door on the proposed expansion of the Papua region, both for South Papua and Central Papua. According to him, the proposal was an aspiration that emerged from below.

The discourse on the division of the province in Papua began again when traditional leaders met with Jokowi in September 2019. They proposed the division of five new provinces so that the number of regions in Papua matched the seven customary territories.

Meanwhile, West Papua Governor Dominggus Mandacan hopes that the central government will immediately lift the moratorium or postponement of the expansion of the Papua region, and want the formation of a new autonomous region (DOB) for the Province of Southwest Papua to be granted, especially since the Ampres (presidential mandate) has been issued during President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's reign. in 2014. The Provincial Government of West Papua is said to have supported the establishment of the province of Southwest Papua. The requirements for the formation are said to be complete and the community welcomes the plan. Dominggus also hopes that all parties in Papua will support the struggle for the expansion of this province. He said that currently there are parties that are fighting for expansion on their own and there are also institutions that claim to be able to help realize the expansion of the province. Dominggus said that his party could not issue a budget to support groups fighting for expansion, but it was not clear.

The West Papua Provincial Government is described as having formed a forum led by the Mayor of Sorong, assisted by the regents in the Sorong Raya area. This container is given the trust to continue fighting for the expansion of the province.

Support for the expansion of Papua and West Papua was also expressed by the Regent of Puncak, Papua, Willem Wandik, assessing that there should be six provinces in the Papua region. He said it was necessary to expand four provinces. Currently there are only two provinces, namely Papua and West Papua. "Effectively, four new provinces must be formed, so (the old) Papua and West Papua Provinces. Only four were formed, so a total of six provinces," said Willem.

Willem stated that the division of the Papua region was very important and strategic for the interests of the local community. According to him, expansion also narrows the distance between the community and their respective regional governments.

Deserves to be expanded

Support and positive responses from prominent figures in West Papua, namely the Governor of West Papua and in Papua, namely the Regent of Puncak, including from the parliamentary community, illustrate the understanding that the division of Papua and West Papua is a point of no return or a necessity that must be realized immediately, because it is impossible for the region to Papua which has 7 large indigenous peoples can be effectively controlled by the state if there are only two provinces. Jayapura and Manokwari will definitely be overwhelmed by presenting the state to solve crucial and strategic problems in Papua and West Papua, especially those related to economy, social, culture and security.

The expansion of Papua and Papua increasingly finds positive reasoning when from 2001 to the present, the Central Government which has poured Trillions of rupiah into Papua and Papua Bara has not produced any positive benefits, even HIV / AIDS, corruption and a number of other moral frauds are still frequent. happened in Papua and West Papua, it was even pointed out that the use of Special Autonomy funds was also used in the framework of "foul collaboration" between bureaucratic officials and the TPN / OPM group, and it turns out that the use of Special Autonomy funds has never been seriously audited, so the government is also willing to seriously supervise the operationalization. or utilities for the use of the Special Autonomy Fund from 2021 onwards with a plan to form the National Agency for Land Affairs for Papua (BNUTP).

The division of Papua and West Papua is clearly a comprehensive exit strategy to address current problems in Papua, and there is justification when the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) notes that the poverty rate in 16 regions is still high and is above the national average of 9.22% . The highest poverty rates occur in Papua and West Papua. "Papua still has the highest percentage of poverty where the percentage of poverty is 26.55 percent. Followed by West Papua (21.51 percent)," said Head of BPS Suhariyanto at a press conference, (15/1/2020). Apart from Papua and West Papua, the percentage of poverty above the national average also occurred in NTT which reached 20.62, Maluku 17.65, Gorontalo 15.31, Aceh 15, 01, Bengkulu 14.91, NTB 13.88, and Central Sulawesi 13.18 percent. In addition, there are South Sumatra 12.56, Lampung 12.30, Yogyakarta 11.44, Southeast Sulawesi 11.04, West Sulawesi 10.95, Central Java 10.58 and East Java 10.20 percent. Meanwhile, the province with the lowest poverty percentage was DKI Jakarta at 3.42 percent. After that, Bali and South Kalimantan followed with poverty rates of 3.61 and 4.47 percent.

Based on BPS records, the poverty depth index fell from 1.55 in March 2019 to 1.50 in September 2019. In the same period, the poverty severity index also fell from 0.37 to 0.36.

If all elements in Papua and West Papua, the Central Government and Commission II of the DPR RI have agreed to split Papua and West Papua, then let's do it as soon as possible. Papua is Indonesia, Indonesia is Papua.

Source: Wilayah-Papua-dan-Papua-Barat/

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