South Sulawesi Top 10 Target in PON 2021 Papua

Chairman of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) of South Sulawesi Province, Ellong Tjandra, said that South Sulawesi could win 10th place in the 2021 National Sports Week (PON) in Papua.

This was expressed by Ellong during the opening of the training to increase the capacity of trainers, assistant coaches, and sports mechanics in South Sulawesi at a hotel in Makassar City.

According to Ellong, it is not impossible that in the PON 2021 which will take place in a number of cities in the province of Papua later, South Sulawesi can get ranked 10th.

"We (South Sulawesi) have been ranked 7th, 6th rank, even 4th rank. Shifting the position of West Java Province in 1984 and at that time I was the perpetrator who witnessed South Sulawesi to be ranked 4th," he said.

According to him, the target of South Sulawesi to reach rank 10 is a form of commitment from KONI Sulsel. Also the encouragement of the Governor of South Sulawesi, for South Sulawesi to improve its achievements at the 2021 PON Papua event.

In the 19 PON West Java 2016, South Sulawesi won the 12th position. In the 18th PON in Riau in 2012, South Sulawesi won the 7th rank, while in the 17th PON in East Kalimantan in 2008, South Sulawesi won the 6th rank. 2004 South Sulawesi won rank 10.

Ellong entrusts his hope to achieve this rank of 10 with maximum struggle.
According to the former Managing Director of Bank Sulselbar, at PON Papua, the arena will be different from the previous PON.

South Sulawesi athletes will not only face fellow athletes from other regions but will also fight against malaria, Covid-19 and armed groups that can threaten the athlete's own life.

"This PON is an achievement but it is horribly delicious. If you look at the current condition of Papua which is a bit worrying. But I am optimistic about the security guarantees from the Papua Provincial Government and the TNI-Polri apparatus that will guard the PON without any disturbance," he said.

This capacity building training is specifically for trainers, training assistants, and mechanics who are registered and involved in PON XX Papua.

Consisting of 47 trainers, 7 assistant coaches, and 9 mechanics.

Activities held in the midst of the still threatening Covid-19 outbreak continue to prioritize health protocols by measuring body temperature, wearing masks, maintaining distance and washing hands.

In this training, KONI Sulsel not only presents resource persons from the Guidance and Achievement of KONI South Sulawesi Prof. DR Andi Ihsan M.Kes and Syamsuddin Umar.

Also present were 2 main resource persons from the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Robby Sudrajat and Luky Affari who were sources of strenuous training both in theory and practice.

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