RI 75th Anniversary Ceremony in Papua Province Conducted Online and Offline

The 75th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia at the Papua Province level is conducted online and offline. Even though it was different from previous years, the implementation was still solemn.

The Deputy Governor of Papua, Klemen Tinal, as the inspector of the ceremony on August 17, 2020, emphasized that even though the quantity is clearly different, because of the Covid-19 pandemic situation the ceremony was carried out online and offline, but in quality all ceremony participants carried it out with full reverence and a sense of responsibility.

"Papua has become a good example for Indonesia, because East Indonesia first held a ceremony in the midst of the Covid-19 situation while still following health protocols," said Tinal, in Jayapura City, Monday (17/8/2020).

He believes that the spirit of independence will bring Papua to a much better future. The momentum for independence must be a spirit for everyone in developing Indonesia, especially for Papua to be better. In fact, we have to admit that at the age of 75 there has been progress.

The Papua Police Chief, Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw, said that the momentum of independence day which has been very long, 75 years, should be grateful.

"If there are parties who do not agree with the ongoing development, there is no problem, the important thing is to realize it immediately," he said.

"Remember that these 75 years are a stepping stone to achieve the ideals of the nation's ancestors, namely achieving a just and prosperous society," he continued.

Therefore, he said, if there are still problems everywhere, including security and public order, it is a collective responsibility to solve them well.

"Gratitude must exist and we are equally responsible for building this land, especially the younger generation. If there are parties who are still at odds with us, let us embrace them to see more real life, "he said.

Kapolda Waterpauw added that so far the situation of security and public order was relatively safe under control, despite the warning of the New York Agreement (New York Agreemet).

"The point is that some areas where previously violent acts often did not happen. I think this is much better in celebrating Indonesia's Independence Day, ”he concluded.

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