Mama-Mama Market Surgery In Koya, Kapolresta Plugs in the First Pole

Mama-Mama Market Surgery In Koya, Kapolresta Plugs in the First Pole

Jayapura City Polresta - In the framework of the 74th Bhayangkara Anniversary, Jayapura City Polresta conducted a "Roguur" market operation at the crossroads of the West Koya and Arso Muara Tami Districts. Friday (6/26) morning.

Jayapura City Police Chief Adjunct Senior Commissioner Gustav R. Urbinas, SH., S.IK., M.Pd said that the operation of the Papuan mothers market in Koya was a form of police concern for the community.

"This is the Jayapura City Polresta activity to the community in the framework of the 74th Bhayangkara Anniversary," he said.

Continued AKBP Gustav, where today I was accompanied by the Muara Tami police chief to do the first pillar in the market operations of the Papuan mama-mama and then it was done by Muara Tami police officers.

"Hopefully the next three days have been completed and can be used again to sell," he said.

Also attending the activity were Muara Tami Police Chief Adjunct Commissioner Jubelina Wally, SH., MH, Deputy Chief of Police AKP Yuli T. Kendek, AKP Edy Priyanto Binmas Kanit Office, Criminal Investigation Unit Iptu Waris, SH and Intel Kanit Ipda M. Ghuraf, S.Kom. (*)

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