Bank Indonesia Launches @BanjanjUMUMM Papua, Instagram-Based Markeing Agent |
To help Papua SMEs stay afloat, the Papua Province Bank Indonesia (BI) Representative Office together with the Papua Provincial Government, Jayapura City Government, Papua and West Papua Regional Logistics Agency initiated the UMKM Shopping Movement.
Considering, this condition in the Covid-19 period caused the consumption of the people to decrease because they had to remain at home so that it could threaten the sustainability of the MSME businesses in Papua.
BI Head of Papua Province Representative, Naek Tigor Sinaga revealed, this movement is a social action to help Papuan MSMEs sell online so that their cash flow is maintained during the Covid-19 period and keep people at home because they can shop online.
"The limitation of community activities during Covid-19, the not yet optimal use of digital technology by MSMEs in Papua and the limitations of MSME product marketing platforms in Papua with instant delivery methods encourage the need for efforts to create mechanisms / platforms so that MSMEs can sell online," Naek said, Thursday (4/30/2020).
Naek said, through this movement, UMKM data that would not yet be connected to online marketing would be recorded and an online store would be created on the @belanjainumkmpapua account managed by the community of Bank Indonesia Papua scholarship recipients, namely the Indonesian New Generation (GenBI) as a middle man or digital marketing agent for SMEs.
He continued, the Covid-19 period was a momentum for MSMEs to change their business patterns into new business patterns and utilize digital technology. It is hoped that by implementing this movement, it can become an alternative marketing channel for MSMEs affected by Covid-19.
"At a time like this it is hoped that the public will be able to prefer online purchases in order to support the Government's efforts to maintain physical distancing to break the Covid-19 distribution chain," he added.
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