Jayapura City Residents Enthusiastic Sign Up to Be Volunteers in PON XX Papua 2020

Jayapura City Residents Enthusiastic Sign Up to Be Volunteers in PON XX Papua 2020

Citizens of Jayapura City are busy registering themselves as volunteers to succeed the XX 2020 National Sports Week (PON) Papua in the LPTQ Hall in Kotaraja, Jayapura City, Papua, Monday (2/12).
Alberth Wanimbo, Chairperson of the Papua Province KNPI as well as the person in charge of recruiting volunteers for PON XX Papua 2020, revealed that to this day his team recorded 3,996 people who had registered as PON volunteers starting last weekend.
"Today it is possible to reach more than 2,000. We hope that the young people of Jayapura City can register more. Because we need as many as 26 thousand people outside of the ceremonial part of around 10 thousand people. So the total of 36 thousand people we need, "said Alberth, Monday (2/12).
Alberth also said, the recruitment of volunteers will be done in several places besides Jayapura City, namely in Jayapura Regency, Merauke Regency and Mimika Regency.
"The clusters that are being contested will be in many sports branches from Jayapura Regency and Jayapura City. For that we are recruiting here, we will place them in the two locations. But for volunteers who will work in Mimika and Merauke, we will also do recruitment there, "explained Alberth.
"After being recruited at the time of the new training will be shared, possibly until January 2020, we will do the recruitment. For this first group ends on 5 December 2019 and 7 December 2019 file returns. We will open it again in January 2020 considering the Christmas and New Year holidays, "explained Alberth.
Yuli, a resident of Hamadi, Jayapura City, who registered herself, revealed that she was very enthusiastic about volunteering because besides wanting to add experience, she also wanted to participate in the success of the PON XX Papua 2020.

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