This Year Jayapura City Is Free of Illiteracy

Jokowi's promise to develop Human Resources (HR) in Papua is now beginning to be proven. The illiteracy rate in Jayapura City continues to decline from year to year and now only 0.07 percent. Jayapura City Government is optimistic that this year will be free from illiteracy.
One resident, Jely Wonda, said she was very grateful to be able to take part in literacy education activities because she had never before experienced learning to count, write and read.
"What used to be only to the garden and the market and then back to home but now there are additional activities that make smart, from not being able to read, write, and count now can," he said.

Until now the Jayapura City Government continues to try to reduce the number of illiterates. The effort was quite successful. In 2009 the number of illiterates in Jayapura was 0.77 percent and in 2017 the literacy rate was 99.93 percent or illiteracy was only 0.07 percent.
Head of the Equality and Family Education Literacy Section of the Jayapura City Education and Culture Office, Nur Jaya, said that literacy is a vehicle that can deliver the horizons of knowledge and civilization of a nation, because characters form discourse that can be recognized, understood and applied from generation to generation.
"The completion of illiteracy in Jayapura has reached 99.93 percent, with 0.07 percent remaining aged 15-60 years, which we must complete. This shows the seriousness and great attention of the Jayapura City government to solve illiteracy, "he said.
This was realized because of the cooperation of all parties. One of the first steps to anticipate, he said, is to involve all parties so that the target of zero literacy in Jayapura City in 2019 can be realized.
In addition, it is also thanks to the socialization program to all elements of society. The aim of the socialization of illiteracy literacy acceleration is to disseminate information about the importance of illiteracy literacy, to invite all elements of the community to participate in the illiteracy literacy program.
Citizens in Jayapura were invited to continue to be motivated to learn, because if they could not read the world it would be dark. By being able to read, it is certain to be able to count and write. All elements of society are asked to proactively detect early people who are still illiterate.
A tutor at GILGAL PKBM, Dok 8 Atas, Maria Sanabuki, said that residents, especially Papuan Orang Asli (OAP), were very enthusiastic in coming to study because they had a desire to be able to read, write and count.
"First of all they want to be able to read the Bible and be able to teach their children at an early age. The number of participants studying with us has 60 active members from more than 100 participants, "he said.
The teaching-learning process taught at PKBM GILGAL, continued Sanabuki, is learning basic literacy for those who cannot read, write and count. Then, the next step is to teach related environmental conditions related to daily activities, such as gardening and selling to the market.
"The process of teaching and learning is given one week three times and it was done in the afternoon, my learning residents are indigenous Papuans and all of them are mountain people, we are determined to solve illiteracy," he said.
Pamong studied at the Center for Early Childhood Education Development and Community Education (BP PAUD Dikmas) Papua and West Papua Region, Trifaturohman, inviting Jayapura City Government to continue to spur performance in services so that citizens who can read, count and write do not forget the ones that have taught.
(* Jubi)

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