Papuan Figures and Chiefs Agree to Refuse West Papua Independence Day Claims

Papuan Figures and Chiefs Agree to Refuse West Papua Independence Day Claims

Papua is part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). This has been internationally recognized since 1969. But in its journey, a lot of turmoil caused by a group of people who want to plot and free themselves.
Is an Free Papua Movement that continues to undermine the sovereignty of the Indonesian nation and state. They always celebrate West Papua Independence Day every 1 December. Unlike the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, but apparently it was only celebrated by a group of people who were trying to divide Papua and Indonesia. Specifically only celebrated by the OPM. Because of the fact, not all Papuans agree with the independence day. Even for a class of chiefs in Papua.
Ramses Ohee who is the Chairperson of the Red and White Front and Actor of the 1969 Act of Free Choice and chief of the Jayapura Waena tribe himself stated that he refused to recognize West Papua Independence Day on December 1, which was actually claimed by the separatist group Free Papua.
Rejection was also made by a number of Papuan Customary Leaders, such as Boas Enoch as Chairperson of the Customary Courts of the Sentani Indigenous Council. Jayapura, Nulce Monim as Ondoafi Putali Sentani Timur Kab. Jayapura, Albert Pelle as Ondoafi Kp. Yahim Kab. Jayapura, Agus Rawa Kogoya as Chairman of the Lapago Indigenous District. Jayapura, Sarlen Aya Tanoai as Chairperson of State Defense District. Jayapura, and Ps. Timotius Wakur as Head of the Lapago Great Tribe.
The Papuan leaders shared the view that the Issue of December 1, as Papua's independence day was voiced by a person who wanted to divide the Papuan people. Though the Papuan people themselves are very concerned because the peace that has been maintained has been continuously undermined by the interests of the OPM group.

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