Jayapura Mayor Invites ASN and City Residents to Pay Taxes

Jayapura Mayor Benhur Tomi Mano appealed to the residents of Jayapura City to obey paying taxes. "People of faith must be obedient in paying taxes, I personally have never neglected to pay taxes to the state," he told Nokenlive.com.

He said that as a good citizen, it is obligatory to help and support the development process by being obedient in paying tax obligations. "Good citizens support the development process through obeying taxes," he said again.

In addition, the Mayor also invites all Civil Servants in the Jayapura City Government to be obedient in paying taxes, as well as all residents of Jayapura City because community participation is very large in the success of development.

He added that the state taxes paid by the community so far have been beneficial for the construction of road infrastructure, bridges, education and health facilities as well as the provision of public facilities and infrastructure.

It is known that the City of Jayapura this year received an award from the State Tax Service Office for its achievements in managing reports on the use of village or village funds in a good and timely manner in the Papua region.

SOURCE: https://www.nokenlive.com/2022/02/24/walikota-jayapura-ajak-asn-dan-warga-kota-taat-pay-pajak/

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