The progress of the construction of the Peak Police Station,
which occupies the former district head's office, has reached 95% and is ready
to be officially opened by the end of July 2020.
"If there is no obstacle in the end of July 2020, the
Peak Police Station is ready to be inaugurated by the Papua Regional Police
Chief," said the Peak Regent Willem Wandik, Thursday (09/07/2020).
The building is in the form of a U and is the former office
of the Peak Regent. There is a Kapolres room, Wakapolres, the Kabag and kasat,
a detention hall meeting room which are all equipped with furniture, computers,
space heating and CCTV.
"I am happy, because we have been waiting for almost 12
years to finally be able to enjoy our own police station," he said.
The Regent continued, all this time security issues in the
Regency of Puncak, were still dependent on the Puncak Jaya District Police
Station as the parent police station. However, after going through various
considerations by looking at the security escalation in Puncak District, the
National Police finally through the Papua Regional Police approved the
construction of the Puncak Police Resort separately from the Puncak Jaya Police
"We are planning two weeks from today this Polres
building can already be inaugurated by the Papua Police Chief, arguably already
95 percent, only the construction of the fence," he added.
The Regent said, the development process in the regions
could not be separated from security issues, so that the presence of Polres,
including Kodim in Puncak District, was expected to be able to maintain
security stability so that development could proceed safely and Puncak District
could advance equally with other regions in Indonesia.
Meanwhile, the Chief of the Police Resort AKBP DH Saragih.S,
Sos through Ilaga Iptu Police Chief Menase Sayori expressed his appreciation to
the ranks of the District Government of Puncak, starting from the Regent who
encouraged the establishment of the Peak District Police.
"This new building is representative enough so that it
is very supportive of the performance of the police in carrying out their
duties to support security stability in Puncak District," he explained.
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